AirUCI Summer Workshop in Environmental Chemistry for Science Teachers
UCI Course Code: CHEM X416
Credits: 6 quarter credits (through UCI Extension)
Quarters: Summer Quarters 2005-2014
Start and End Dates for the Next Course: Friday, June 21 - Wednesday, July 3, 2013 |
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Here are the instructions for the first day of the
workshop. Please follow this link to view UCI map.
- Plan to arrive around 8:30 am for registration.
- There will be coffee and pastries for breakfast. We will provide you with lunch between 11.30 am
and 12.30 pm.
- Bring a calculator and a couple of pens. We will provide the textbook and
notebook for you to write in.
- If you have a laptop with a wireless card (having Excel qouls be great also), please bring it with you as well. We will need it on the first and the last days. Make sure its battery is fully charged. Please e-mail MAC number of your laptop to Sergey Nizkorodov in advance. Instructions on how to get your MAC number.
- Dress appropriately for laboratory work each day. For safety reasons, you may not wear open-toed shoes, slippers, and items of clothing that do not fully cover your legs such as shorts, skirts, and dresses. We will provide clean lab coats for you; therefore your arms need not be fully covered. Safety glasses will also be provided.
- Place the enclosed parking pass on your windshield and drive to Lot 16. This pass is only valid for one day and we will give you a monthly parking pass on the first day of the program. We will give you a
monthly parking pass on the first day of the program. Be sure to only park in parking spaces that are not labeled “AR” or “resident” or “reserved”.
- Come to Rowland Hall (building 400 on the UCI map) which is a short
walk from the parking lot.
- Take the elevator in the lobby of Rowland Hall to the third floor. Turn
right upon exiting the elevator and you will see Room 390. We will post signs
on the walls for your convenience.
- You do not need to register with the UCI extension. We will do it for you
(if you need the credits).
If you should find that you are unable to attend,
please call (or e-mail) Sergey Nizkorodov right away at 949-824-1262 (nizkorod@uci.edu) or call Melissa Sweet at 949-824-2628 (msweet@uci.edu) so we can extend an invitation to someone else on our waiting list.