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AirUCI Summer Workshop in Environmental Chemistry for Science Teachers

UCI Course Code: CHEM X416
Credits: 6 quarter credits (through UCI Extension)
Quarters: Summer Quarters 2005-2014
Start and End Dates for the Next Course: Friday, June 21 - Wednesday, July 3, 2013

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2009 Lecturers (go back to this year's instructors)

Prof. Donald Dabdub

Prof. Donald Dabdub

(949) 824-6126
computer labs 
Prof. Barbara Finlayson-Pitts

Prof. Barbara

(949) 824-7670
Office RH 328
Lecturer and
AirUCI Director
Prof. Benny Gerber

Prof. Benny Gerber

(949) 824-6758
Office RH334A
Prof. John Hemminger

Prof. John

(949) 824-6020
Office RH 334B
Prof. Mickey Laux

Prof. Mickey Laux

(714) 432-0202
Program Coordinator
Prof. Sergey Nizkorodov

Prof. Sergey

(949) 824-1262
Office RH 377
Lecturer and
Program Coordinator
Prof. Douglas Tobias

Prof. Douglas Tobias

(949) 824-4295
Office NS1 4118
computer labs

2009 Lab TAs

Wayne Chang
(949) 824-5772
Office EG 3102
AirUCI Graduate Student
Wayne Chang Alexander Cohan
(949) 824-XXXX
UCI Graduate Student
Alexander Cohan Karen Callahan
(949) 824-XXXX
Office XXXX
AirUCI Graduate Student
Karen Callahan
Chris Harmon
(949) 824-7473
Office RH 385A
AirUCI Graduate Student
Chris Harmon Emily Bruns
(949) 824-2871
Office RH 304
AirUCI Graduate Student
Emily Bruns Nicole Richards
(949) 824-2871
Office RH 304
AirUCI Graduate Student
Nicole Richards
Adam Bateman
(949) 824-7473
Office RH 385A
AirUCI Graduate Student
Adam Bateman Christopher Dilbeck
(949) 824-2871
Office RH 304
AirUCI Graduate Student
Christopher Dilbeck Dr. Lisa Wingen
(949) 824-7714
Office RH 330
AirUCI Project Scientist
Dr. Lisa Wingen, AirUCI Project Scientist