Awards Received by the Groups Members |
Select Awards Given to the Graduate Students in the Group for Research and Teaching at UCI
- 2024 Joan Rowland Award (Katie Hopstock)
- 2024 Outstanding Contribution to the Department of Chemistry Award (Katie Hopstock)
- 2024 Graduate Student Award in Environmental Chemistry from the ACS ENVR Division (Katie Hopstock)
- 2023-24 Faculty Endowed Fellowship (Avery Dalton)
- 2023-24 Rowland Fellowship (Katie Hopstock)
- 2023-24 Chemistry Dissertation Fellowship (Avery Dalton)
- 2023 Jackie Smitrovich Prize (Cynthia Wong)
- 2023 Contributions to the chemistry department teaching program by a TA (Avery Dalton)
- 2023 Contributions to the chemistry department teaching program by a first-year TA (Lucia Liu)
- 2023-26 NSF Graduate Fellowship (Lena Gerritz)
- 2022-23 Chemistry Dissertation Fellowship (Cynthia Wong)
- 2022-23 Campuswide Honors Collegium Graduate Fellowship (Katie Hopstock)
- 2022 Joan Rowland Award (Natalie Smith)
- 2022 UCI Chemistry Excellence in DEI Award (Cynthia Wong)
- 2022 Contributions to the chemistry department teaching program by a TA (Alex Klodt)
- 2022 Contributions to the chemistry department teaching program by a first-year TA (Lena Gerritz)
- 2021-22 Chemistry Dissertation Fellowship (Natalie Smith)
- 2021-22 Chemistry Dissertation Fellowship (Alexandra Klodt)
- 2021-22 R2R Fellowship (Cynthia Wong)
- 2021 Michael E. Gebel Award (Alex Klodt)
- 2021 Michael E. Gebel Award (Natalie Smith)
- 2021 Contributions to the Chemistry Department Teaching Program Award (Katie Hopstock)
- 2020 Graduate Student Award in Environmental Chemistry from the Division of Environmental Chemistry (ENVR) of the American Chemical Society (Natalie Smith)
- 2020-21 Rowland Fellowship (Natalie Smith)
- 2020 Jackie Smitrovich Prize (Julia Montoya-Aguilera)
- 2019-22 NSF Graduate Fellowship (Vahe Baboomian)
- 2019 Edward K.C. Lee Award (Lauren Fleming)
- 2018 Joan Rowland Award (Paige Aiona)
- 2018 Michael E. Gebel Award (Lauren Fleming)
- 2018 Peter B. Wagner Memorial Award for Women in Atmospheric Sciences (Lauren Fleming, 2nd place)
- 2018 Peter B. Wagner Memorial Award for Women in Atmospheric Sciences (Julia Montoya-Aguilera, 3rd place)
- 2017 Jackie Smitrovich Prize (Mallory Hinks)
- 2017 Michael E. Gebel Award (Kurtis Malecha)
- 2017-20 NSF Graduate Fellowship (Julia Montoya)
- 2017 Chancellor’s Club Fund for Excellence Fellowship (Mallory Hinks)
- 2016 Joan Rowland Award (Sandra Blair)
- 2016 Jackie Smitrovich Prize (Dian Romonosky)
- 2016 UCI Grad Slam, 1st place; UC Grad Slam, 2nd place (Mallory Hinks)
- 2015-16 Chemistry Dissertation Fellowship (Sandra Blair)
- 2015 Chancellor’s Club Fund for Excellence Fellowship (Sandra Blair)
- 2015 The Sheldon K. Friedlander Award from the AAAR (Tran Nguyen, for her PhD dissertation work at UCI).
- 2015 Joan Rowland Award (Amanda MacMillan)
- 2015-18 NSF Graduate Fellowship (Kurtis Malecha)
- 2015-18 NSF Graduate Fellowship (Paige Aiona)
- 2014 Michael E. Gebel Award (Sandra Blair)
- 2014-15 Ford Predoctoral Fellowship (Paige Aiona)
- 2015-16 Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Aatos Erkko Foundation (Hanna Lignell)
- 2014-15 Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Huttunen Foundation (Hanna Lignell)
- 2013-16 NSF Graduate Fellowship (Dian Romonosky)
- 2012-13 Stanback Postdoctoral Fellowship in Global Environmental Science (Tran Nguyen)
- 2012 Edward K.C. Lee Award (Tran Nguyen)
- 2012 Michael E. Gebel Award (Amanda MacMillan)
- 2012-13 Finnish Cultural Foundation graduate fellowship (Hanna Lignell)
- 2012 Chancellor’s Club Fund for Excellence Fellowship (Tran Nguyen)
- 2011-12 Chemistry Dissertation Fellowship (Tran Nguyen)
- 2011 Michael Zach Award (Adam Bateman)
- 2011-14 NSF Graduate Fellowship (Amanda MacMillan)
- 2010-11 Chemistry Dissertation Fellowship (Adam Bateman)
- 2010 Marvin L. Wesely Graduate Research Fellow Award (Adam Bateman)
- 2010 Michael E. Gebel Award (Tran Nguyen)
- 2009 Joan Rowland Award (Chris Harmon)
- 2009 Chemistry Department's First Year Teaching Assistant Award (Tran Nguyen)
- 2008-11 Graduate Research Environmental Fellowship (Adam Bateman)
- 2007 Edward K.C. Lee Award (Maggie Walser)
- 2007 Outstanding Contributions to the Chemistry Department Teaching Program (Stephen Mang)
- 2004-07 NSF Graduate Fellowship (Maggie Walser)
- 2004-05 Faculty Mentor Program Fellowship (Anthony Gomez)
- 2004-05 UC TSR&TP graduate fellowship (Xiang Pan)
Select Awards Given to the Undergraduate Students for Their Research Work in Our Laboratory (These Students Have Many Other Awards)
- 2024-2025 Beckman Scholarhsip (Avisa Charmchi)
- 2023 Michael E. Gebel Undergraduate Award (Maggie Chou)
- 2023 ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry Undergraduate Award (Jett Vuong)
- 2023 Outstanding Senior (Jett Vuong)
- 2023 Poster Presentation Chancellor Award Winner, Earth and Beyond category, 3rd place (Sofia Stirone)
- 2022 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Award (Krisztina Rakosi)
- 2022 Michael E. Gebel Undergraduate Award (Krisztina Rakosi)
- 2021 Don L. Bunker Award (Kimberly Zhang)
- 2021 Chancellor’s Award of Distinction (Kimberly Zhang)
- 2020-21 Beckman Scholarship (Kimberly Zhang)
- 2020 Jim Pitts Jr. Award (Kimberly Zhang)
- 2020 Don L. Bunker Award (Suki Gu)
- 2020 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research (Kimberly Zhang)
- 2020 Michael E. Gebel Undergraduate Award (Samantha Scott)
- 2019 Michael E. Gebel Undergraduate Award (Danielle Rocco and Henry Chin)
- 2019 ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry Undergraduate Award (Henry Chin)
- 2018 Michael E. Gebel Undergraduate Award (Suki Gu)
- 2017 ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry Undergraduate Award (Tim Cai)
- 2016 Michael E. Gebel Undergraduate Award (Stephanie Kim)
- 2016 ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry Undergraduate Award (Nujhat Ali)
- 2014 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Award (Nujhat Ali)
- 2014 Gebel Undergraduate Award (joint award to Mariyah Saiduddin and Nujhat Ali)
- 2012 American Institute of Chemists Award (Van Tran)
- 2011 American Institute of Chemists Award (Katelyn Updyke)
- 2010 Don L. Bunker Award (Joshua Klobas)
- 2010 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Award (Lucas Nguyen)
- 2009 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Award (Joshua Klobas)
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