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UCI Aerosol Photochemistry Group   
University of California at Irvine   Department of Chemistry    
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 Photo of the Aerosol Photochemistry Group members taken in May 2024

Welcome to the Aerosol Photochemistry Group. We are located on the beautiful campus of the University of California, Irvine in the Department of Chemistry. We investigate chemical composition, photochemistry, and physical properties of organic aerosols using aerosol chamber techniques, mass spectrometry, and other state-of-the-art techniques. Please refer to our research section for more details (note that this section is less up to date than the publication section).



  • The group members attend the the AAAR 42nd Annual Conference, scheduled for October 21-25, 2024, in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • The group welcomes incoming graduate students who elected to do rotations in our group: Dhivya Manickam, Sage Lauper-Cook, Teresa Palacios Diaz, Jacqueline Lampert and Angela Juliette Gotingco. Welcome!

Graduate   Research: If you are interested in conducting graduate research in our group please contact Prof. Nizkorodov. We typically try to have 1-2 new graduate students join our group each year.  Please refer to the publication section for examples of recent papers by the group members. The group's graduate students have been recognized by multiple awards and fellowships from the department and from the outside sources. Former group members have been successful in securing employment in policy, education, industrial research and academic research sectors. Go Aerosolates!

Undergraduate Research: Undergraduate students are welcome to do their undergraduate research projects in Aerosol Photochemistry Group on a space available basis. We typically have 3-5 students at any given time (depending on whether a graduate student mentor is available). If you are interested in such an opportunity please review the requirements and then contact Prof. Nizkorodov in advance. The usual mechanism is enrollment in either Chem 180, H180, or 199; summer internships may be possible as well. We cannot take high school interns.


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