Decorative element
Hurricane AIR UCI link
UCI Aerosol Photochemistry Group   
University of California at Irvine   Department of Chemistry   
Decorative element

Aerosol Group Photos 2009-2011



Tran Nguyen working with teachers

Celebrating the AirUCI grant renewal!

Katelyn Updyke & Paula Lee at ISKPPA

AirUCI ORU retreat

Nam Pham & Katelyn Updyke

DESI setup for particle filter analysis

At the 2011 Lee dinner

Sergey Nizkorodov needs more ozone!

Adam Bateman burning biomass

Julia Laskin & Alexander Laskin

Scott Epstein at the Lee dinner

Alexis Hickman & Adam Bateman

Amanda MacMillan & Nate Sickerman

Stephen & Grace Mang visiting the lab

HPLC explained by Chris Harmon

Tran Nguyen & Alexander Laskin

Joshua Klobas at the UROP meeting

At the AirUCI ORU poster session

Benny Gerber & Bosa Njegic

Kathy Kim & Zoe Cabral presenting

Alexander Laskin at Adam's defense

Adam Bateman with PILS at CalNex

Yes another picture of the CRDS cell

Katelyn Updyke presenting

Alexander Laskin & David Bones

Tran Nguyen making a new bag


Xiang Pan at his PhD defense

Lucas Nguyen weighing filters

Chris Harmon the Cool

Tran Nguyen & Sergey Nizkorodov at AAAR

Biomass burning aerosol station

Benny, David, Jonathan, Bosa & Vero

Aerosol flow cell

Paula Lee at the UROP conference

Lucas Nguyen taking spectra

Jim Pitts & Sergey Nizkorodov

Adam Bateman's crooked experiment

Sergey & Alex at the CalNex site

Lucas Nguyen taking notes

John Morrison as a camera man

John Morrison using TDMA

The chamber monkey

The CRDS cable rack

Kathy Kim examining mass spectra

Joshua Klobas by the aerosol QCM

Amanda MacMillan at the AAAR meeting

Chris Harmon, Pusha & Sergey Nizkorodov

Cheers, Dr. Adam Bateman!

James Pitts, Jr. at the teacher program

SOA browning spectra

Chris Harmon working with teachers

David Bones working in the lab

John Morrison using a TDMA

Nicole Levac servicing PILS at CalNex

Dr. Xiang Pan, hooded!

Sergey Nizkorodov & Joshua Klobas

Mark Peterson & David Bones

Zoe Cabral

BBOA collected on a filter

Zoe Cabral recording spectra

Katelyn Updyke working with UV/Vis

Chris Harmon on his head

Sergey Nizkorodov & Xiang Pan

CRDS explained by Adam Bateman

nDESI of a brown aerosol sample

Dr. Chris Harmon, hooded!

Don Blake, SN, & Chris Harmon

Ling Lin (in inverting glasses) & Xiang Pan

Amanda MacMillan
Decorative element
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