Decorative element
Hurricane AIR UCI link
UCI Aerosol Photochemistry Group   
University of California at Irvine   Department of Chemistry   
Decorative element

Aerosol Group Photos 2014-2015



Hanna Lignell shortly after her PhD defense

Sergey (the cat) reading a cat magazine

Jeremy Eaton, Mallory Hinks, Dian Romonosky

We do have those things in the lab!

Toluene SOA collected on a CeF2 window

Paige Aiona & Sandy Blair, 2014 Lee Dinner

Photolysis setup in RH354

The group at the 2015 Lee Dinner

Toxic gas cabinet & Sergey Nizkorodov

Bonnie Huang ozonizing solutions

Gtroup's BBQ bocce game

Jeremy Eaton & Mallory Hinks, 2015 Lee Dinner

Yujane Chen & Mallory Hinks

Kurtis Malecha during lab tours

Mallory Hinks during lab tours

Mallory, Sergey, Jeremy at the 2014 Lee Dinner

Julie Lee & Peter the Anteater

Lauren Fleming during her India field trip

Jeremy Eaton, a cupcake, & Mallory Hinks

Kurtis Malecha presenting the group

Secondary aerosol generation demo

Sandy Blair & Theresa McIntire, 2014 Lee Dinner

The chamber lights guardian

The MAGIC box

Kurtis Malecha & Mallory Hinks

Monica Brady working with the SSSS box

Julia Montoya making an SOA sample

Paige Aiona & Josh Nelson

Nujhat Ali & Michael Wu running the chamber

Taylor Helgestad, Xiaolu Zhang, Gordon Novak

Jared Ward & Kurtis Malecha, 2015 Lee Dinner

Kurtis Malecha repairing a YAG laser

Benny Gerber and Mychel Varner at the last AirUCI workshop in 2014

Xiaolu Zhang, Tran Nguyen, Amanda MacMillan

Stephanie Kim & Claire Engelmann, 2015 Lee dinner

Amanda MacMillan at the 2014 Lee Dinner

Chris Cappa, Julie Lee, Amanda MacMillan

The "Mini-Me" chamber

Stephanie Kim & Julie Lee, 2015 Lee Dinner

Rebuilding the CRDS setup

Julie Lee, Hillary Jun, Paige Aoina

Adam Bateman & Julie Lee

Amanda MacMillan at the 2014 AirUCI workshop

Stephanie Kim doing photolysis experiments

Clair Engelmann taking spectra

Mariyah Saiduddin & Nujhat Ali - Gebel award

Mariyah Saiduddin, Barbara Finlayson-Pitts, Nujhat Ali - Gebel award

Chirs Cappa, Xiaolu Zhang, Taylor Helgestad

Lauren Fleming prepping the cans

Julie Lee & Scott Epstein at the 2014 AirUCI workshop

Collecing smoke from a cookstove in India

Mallory Hinks & Nujhat Ali

Nujhat Ali & Monica Brady at BBQ

Alex Laskin & Amanda MacMillan

Sergey can't get into his office

Sandy Blair & Hind Al-Abadleh

Aerosol made in the MAGIC box

Nujhat Ali & Mariyah Saiduddin at UROP

Paige Aiona at the 2014 AirUCI workshop

Lauren Fleming and her loyal followers

Doug Tobias & Julie Lee, 2014 AirUCI workshop

Sergey Nizkorodov, Dorit Shemesh, Benny Gerber

Amanda. Paige, Sergey, Mallory, Dian at the 2014 AirUCI workshop

At the 2014 AirUCI workshop

Trouble brewing

Sandy Blair found Hanna's cat

Kurchis Malecha & Lauren Fleming at a poster session

Hanna Lignell getting Peter the Anteater drunk

Mariyah Saiduddin, Dian Romonosky, Nujhat Ali

Lauren Fleming during her India trip
Decorative element
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